Francesco De Angelis

/Francesco De Angelis

Francesco De Angelis

Articoli e Recensioni pubblicati per La rivista di Arablit

Waǧdī al-Ahdal, Bilād bilā samā’ (Un paese senza cielo), Markaz al-‘Ubādī li ’l-dirāsāt wa ’l-našr, Ṣan‘ā’ 2008.


Recensione, Waǧdī al-Ahdal, Bilād bilā samā’ (Un paese senza cielo), Markaz al-‘Ubādī li ’l-dirāsāt wa ’l-našr, Ṣan‘ā’ 2008.

Bilād bilā samā’, ultimo romanzo dello scrittore yemenita Waǧdī al-Ahdal (1973), consta di sei capitoli, ognuno con un titolo stravagante e sottilmente esplicativo: al-Malikah (La regina); al-Mustaslam li’l-mut‘ah wa’l-sulṭah (Lo schiavo del potere e del piacere); al-Qurbān (La vittima sacrificale); al-Mutašakkik yafnà ka-ġaymah mutanāṯirah (Lo scettico che fa la fine di una nuvola che si spande), ecc… In ogni capitolo un personaggio parla dell’evento principale - la scomparsa di una ragazza, di nome Samā’ - dal proprio punto di vista, aggiungendo, a volte, qualcosa di nuovo al racconto del personaggio precedente, tal’altra, mettendolo in dubbio. Tutto [...]

Waǧdī al-Ahdal, Bilād bilā samā’ (Un paese senza cielo), Markaz al-‘Ubādī li ’l-dirāsāt wa ’l-našr, Ṣan‘ā’ 2008.2020-03-28T18:26:58+00:00

La rivoluzione in Yemen del 2011 raccontata sui social network dalle scrittrici e dagli scrittori.


Articolo della Rivista, Anno I, numero 1, giugno 2011

(The 2011 revolution in Yemen as narrated on social networks by writers) in La rivista di Arablit, a. I, n. 1, giugno 2011, pp. 53-61. Arab countries are currently going through a period of popular uprisings with no precedent in their history.  Revolutions have always inspired writers and poets all over the world; and it is very likely that novels dealing with recent rebellions in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain and Syria will be available for readers already in the next few months. Writings published by Yemeni authors on their Facebook walls about what it is happening [...]

La rivoluzione in Yemen del 2011 raccontata sui social network dalle scrittrici e dagli scrittori.2020-03-08T19:22:13+00:00

Maṣriyyānū di Carmine Cartolano: il successo di un autore italiano nella letteratura egiziana contemporanea


Articolo della Rivista, Anno IV, Numeri 7-8, dicembre 2014

(Maṣriyyānū by Carmine Cartolano: The success of an Italian author in contemporary Egyptian literature) in La rivista di Arablit, a. IV, n. 7-8, dicembre 2014, pp. 148-163. Maṣriyyānū: yawmiyyāt muṣawwir īṭālī by Carmine Cartolano is a collection of anecdotes, in which the author himself is the protagonist. The word maṣriyyānū is the result of the union of two words: miṣrī and italiano. The author is an Italian photographer, instructor and translator, who has been living in Egypt for thirteen years. His first book published in Egypt and entirely written in Egyptian dialect has achieved resounding success and [...]

Maṣriyyānū di Carmine Cartolano: il successo di un autore italiano nella letteratura egiziana contemporanea2020-03-07T17:49:34+00:00

Graphic Novels and Comic Books in Post-Revolutionary Egypt: Some Remarks


Articolo della Rivista, Anno V, Numeri 9-10, dicembre 2015

in La rivista di Arablit, a. V, n. 9-10, dicembre 2015, pp. 23-37. The Egyptians are well known for having a propensity for irony and sarcasm, and, indeed, it is no accident that they are also known as awlād al-nuktah (children of jokes). But Egyptian humour, displayed in magazines, comics and popular stories, is never without significance. It offers an important occasion for reflection and criticism. It comes to create – through irony – a moment of sympathy amongst people afflicted by the same sufferings. Humour takes on almost a therapeutic function. This accounts for the abundance [...]

Graphic Novels and Comic Books in Post-Revolutionary Egypt: Some Remarks2020-02-27T15:46:43+00:00

Yemeni literature and history in Ǧawlat Kintākī by ‘Abd Allāh ‘Abbās al-Iryānī: new dreams and old disillusions


Articolo della Rivista, Anno VII, numero 14, dicembre 2017

in La rivista di Arablit, a. VII, n. 14, dicembre 2017, pp. 45-62. The Yemeni people live in a perpetual state of conflicts and tension, it is therefore not surprising that a long list of Arab writers have been produc- ing works pertaining to the genre of history fiction for generations. Here both past and, especially, recent history become the object of narration. In other words writers become the historians and spokespersons of a counter-narrative to official history. As far as Yemen is concerned, this is a tendency of contemporary writers, known as ǧīl al-šabāb that seems [...]

Yemeni literature and history in Ǧawlat Kintākī by ‘Abd Allāh ‘Abbās al-Iryānī: new dreams and old disillusions2020-02-20T19:42:45+00:00

Muṣṭafà Mušarrafah a Pioneer of Narrative Techniques in his Qanṭarah allaḏī kafara, the First Novel Entirely Written in Egyptian Dialect


Articolo della Rivista, Anno III, Numero 6, dicembre 2013

in La rivista di Arablit, a. III, n. 6, dicembre 2013, pp. 19-27. Intellectuals and writers like Ibrāhīm Aṣlān and Yūsuf Idrīs have maintained that Qanṭarah allaḏī kafara, by Muṣṭafà Mušarrafah’s, is one of the most wonderful novels ever written about the 1919 revolution. The peculiarity of Qanṭarah allaḏī kafara is that it is entirely written in the Egyptian dialect, and the author’s choice of the Egyptian patois is revolutionary for Egyptian literature if we consider that patois was used only in certain types of satirical literary production, jokes, and caricatures. Mušarrafah’s work appears even more revolutionary [...]

Muṣṭafà Mušarrafah a Pioneer of Narrative Techniques in his Qanṭarah allaḏī kafara, the First Novel Entirely Written in Egyptian Dialect2020-02-28T09:35:32+00:00