Maria Licia Sotgiu

/Maria Licia Sotgiu

Maria Licia Sotgiu

Articoli e Recensioni pubblicati per La rivista di Arablit

L’edizione scolastica de Il nostro quartiere di Naǧīb Maḥfūẓ


Articolo della Rivista, Anno II, numero 3, giugno 2012

(The school edition of Stories from Our Neighbourhood by Naǧīb Maḥfūẓ) in La rivista di Arablit, a. II, n. 3, giugno 2012, pp. 79-88. The presence of foreign students in Italian schools is clearly a growing phenomenon: as a matter of fact, in the scholastic year 2011/2012 about 750,000 non-Italian students were registered in schools across Italy. Of course, such an increasingly multilingual and multicultural school context requires suitable teaching practice. This paper analyzes the Italian school edition of Naǧīb Maḥfūẓ’s Ḥikāyāt ḥāratinā (Stories of Our Alley), showing how this Egyptian novel is particularly apt to be [...]

L’edizione scolastica de Il nostro quartiere di Naǧīb Maḥfūẓ2020-03-08T18:55:59+00:00

In ricordo della femminista yemenita Ra’ūfah Ḥasan al-Šarqī


Articolo della Rivista, Anno I, numero 2, dicembre 2011

(In memory of the Yemeni feminist Ra’ūfah Ḥasan al-Šarqī) in La rivista di Arablit, a. I, n. 2, dicembre 2011, pp. 105-109. Ra’ūfah Ḥassan was a famous Yemeni intellectual who prematurely died in Cairo in April 2011 after a long illness. She was a human rights activist, a journalist and a university professor in her homeland. This article is based on an interview released in Arabic by Ra’ūfah Ḥassan at the headquarters of the Cultural Devel-opment Program Foundation (CDPF) in Ṣan‘ā’, in June 2010. Her words are hereunder reported in the form of a monologue. By doing [...]

In ricordo della femminista yemenita Ra’ūfah Ḥasan al-Šarqī2020-03-08T19:17:09+00:00