Hussein Mahmoud

/Hussein Mahmoud

Hussein Mahmoud

Articoli e Recensioni pubblicati per La rivista di Arablit

La primavera egiziana del 2011, poesia e rivoluzione


Articolo della Rivista, Anno I, numero 1, giugno 2011

(The Egyptian spring of 2011, poetry and revolution) in La rivista di Arablit, a. I, n. 1, giugno 2011, pp. 23-34. Poetry has animated Egyptian revolutionaries during their protests ever since the huge anti-British insurgency witnessed by Egypt in 1919.  Just like in the past, in fact, the demonstrations that took place in central Cairo's Taḥrīr square on the 25th  of January 2011 were once again supported by poets longing to express their mistrust towards now former president Ḥusnī Mubārak's regime.  This article offers an overview of those authors and their poems, also providing an account of [...]

La primavera egiziana del 2011, poesia e rivoluzione2020-03-08T19:21:02+00:00

Preludi della primavera araba nelle opere di Maḥfūẓ


Articolo della Rivista, Anno II, numero 3, giugno 2012

(Preludes to the Arab Spring in the works of Maḥfūẓ) in La rivista di Arablit, a. II, n. 3, giugno 2012, pp. 89-94. Through the analysis of Naǧīb Maḥfūẓ’s al-Ṯulāṯiyyah published in the 1950s, this article tries to draw a parallel between middle class Egyptians of the author’s generation – depicted with their swinging relationships with power during a precise phase of transition for Egypt – and those recently taking part in the popular movements that characterized the so-called “Egyptian spring”. The contrasting forms of rebellion adopted by the members of the ʻAbd al Ǧawwād family portrayed [...]

Preludi della primavera araba nelle opere di Maḥfūẓ2020-03-08T18:56:33+00:00

Il contenuto italianistico nella rivista culturale egiziana “al-Risālah” nella prima metà del Novecento


Articolo della Rivista, Anno IV, Numeri 7-8, dicembre 2014

(References to the Italian culture in the Egyptian cultural magazine "al-Risālah" during the first half of the 20th century) in La rivista di Arablit, a. IV, n. 7-8, dicembre 2014, pp. 108-116. “al-Risālah” was one of the leading journals of Egypt’s liberal age which, thanks to the dedication of its owner and editor, Aḥmad Ḥasan al-Zayyāt, accomplished the goal of introducing Arab reader to world culture. This essay will focus on the contents which refer to Italian culture in particular, through a selection of a number of articles and translations which deal with the subjects that mostly [...]

Il contenuto italianistico nella rivista culturale egiziana “al-Risālah” nella prima metà del Novecento2020-03-07T17:47:23+00:00