Daniela Potenza

/Daniela Potenza

Daniela Potenza

Articoli e Recensioni pubblicati per La rivista di Arablit

The Text in Progress in Contemporary Arab Theatre as an Aesthetic Response to Social Instability


Articolo della Rivista, Anno XIII, numero 26, dicembre 2023

in La rivista di Arablit, a. XIII, n. 26, dicembre 2023, pp. 11-30. Over the previous decade, Arab countries have witnessed and lived transformations that the theatrical scene has swiftly accompanied, supported, and recalled. Analysing a selection of post-2011 Arab theatre plays whose texts are written to constantly change, I argue that an “aesthetic or progress” in these texts is developing, and that it reflects a specific social condition across the contemporary Arab World. The plays examined here allow their audiences to understand the aftermaths of the 2011 uprisings as a process rather than an event. Revolutions [...]

The Text in Progress in Contemporary Arab Theatre as an Aesthetic Response to Social Instability2024-01-16T10:07:27+00:00

Andeel’s Full and Frank Cartoons. A Study of Language and Register Variations


Articolo della Rivista, Anno X, numero 20, dicembre 2020

in La rivista di Arablit, a. X, n. 20, dicembre 2020, pp. 99-120. In recent years, Andeel’s audacious caricatures for the independent Egyptian online newspaper Madà Maṣr have become quite famous among upper class millennial Egyptians. Despite the potentially boundless space of his cartoons, Andeel mostly uses the Colloquial Egyptian Arabic. Nevertheless, he often code-switches and alternates the Colloquial with Modern Standard Arabic and English.Starting from a brief introduction to the author, the medium of transmission (the web) and the linguistic situation today in Egypt, this paper will focus on some of Andeel’s cartoons to show how [...]

Andeel’s Full and Frank Cartoons. A Study of Language and Register Variations2022-12-10T10:35:53+00:00

Roger Allen, Gonzalo Fernández Parrilla, Francisco M. Rodríguez Sierra y Tetz Rooke (eds.), New Geographies: Texts and Contexts in Modern Arabic Literature, Ediciones de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid 2018, pp. 296.


Recensione, Roger Allen, Gonzalo Fernández Parrilla, Francisco M. Rodríguez Sierra y Tetz Rooke (eds.), New Geographies: Texts and Contexts in Modern Arabic Literature, Ediciones de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid 2018, pp. 296.

in La rivista di Arablit, a. X, n. 19, giugno 2020, pp. 104-107. New Geographies: Texts and Contexts in Modern Arabic Literature è l’undicesimo volume dell’European Association for Modern Arabic Literature (EURAMAL). Frutto del convegno New Geographies and Genres in Modern Arabic Literature, tenutosi presso l’Universidad Autónoma de Madrid dal 7 al 10 maggio 2014, lo studio si inserisce nel solco dei suoi predecessori per accuratezza, qualità della ricerca e originalità delle tematiche affrontate, confermandosi una fonte imprescindibile per tutti gli studiosi di letteratura araba moderna e contemporanea, ma anche una piacevole lettura per i curiosi. [...]

Roger Allen, Gonzalo Fernández Parrilla, Francisco M. Rodríguez Sierra y Tetz Rooke (eds.), New Geographies: Texts and Contexts in Modern Arabic Literature, Ediciones de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid 2018, pp. 296.2020-07-14T19:15:50+00:00

Lorenzo Casini, Daniela Melfa, Paul Starkey (a cura di), Minnena. L’Egitto, l’Europa e la ricerca dopo l’assassinio di Giulio Regeni, Mesogea, Messina 2020, pp. 240.


Recensione, Lorenzo Casini, Daniela Melfa, Paul Starkey (a cura di), Minnena. L’Egitto, l’Europa e la ricerca dopo l’assassinio di Giulio Regeni, Mesogea, Messina 2020, pp. 240.

Minnena è il contributo accurato, chiaro ed empatico, fornito da dieci ricercatori sul caso Giulio Regeni e sulla ricerca in Medio Oriente, nonché un’analisi di ampio respiro sull’Egitto di oggi1. Con approccio scientifico e linguaggio non specialistico, caratterizzato da chiarezza, lucidità e onestà intellettuale, oltre a delucidare la situazione sociopolitica dell’Egitto post-2011 e il modo in cui l’assassinio di Regeni è stato trattato dalla diplomazia italiana e dai media, Minnena prende in esame, in particolare, la ricerca sul campo, il ruolo del sindacalismo indipendente egiziano (peraltro oggetto di studio di Regeni), le relazioni economiche e diplomatiche [...]

Lorenzo Casini, Daniela Melfa, Paul Starkey (a cura di), Minnena. L’Egitto, l’Europa e la ricerca dopo l’assassinio di Giulio Regeni, Mesogea, Messina 2020, pp. 240.2020-07-14T19:27:32+00:00

Sirkku Aaltonen, Areeg Ibrahim (eds.), Rewriting Narratives in Egyptian Theatre: Translation, Performance, Politics, Routledge, New York and Abingdon 2016, pp. 288.


Recensione, Sirkku Aaltonen, Areeg Ibrahim (eds.), Rewriting Narratives in Egyptian Theatre: Translation, Performance, Politics, Routledge, New York and Abingdon 2016, pp. 288.

Sirkku Aaltonen, Areeg Ibrahim (eds.), Rewriting Narratives in Egyptian Theatre: Translation, Performance, Politics, Routledge, New York and Abingdon 2016, pp. 288. Il volume Rewriting Narratives in Egyptian Theatre: Translation, Performance, Politics intende studiare il fenomeno della riscrittura nel teatro egiziano moderno e contemporaneo attraverso tredici articoli di accademici, professionisti del teatro e critici. Nell’Introduzione, le curatrici spiegano che il concetto di “riscrittura” nel loro lavoro indica «a metamorphosis, a profound change, such as takes place in its near synonyms such as translation, transformation, and reconstruction» [p. 1]. I tredici articoli sono ripartiti in quattro sezioni, ognuna incentrata su [...]

Sirkku Aaltonen, Areeg Ibrahim (eds.), Rewriting Narratives in Egyptian Theatre: Translation, Performance, Politics, Routledge, New York and Abingdon 2016, pp. 288.2020-04-03T09:57:07+00:00

al-Bāb et Iram aux colonnes. La réécriture du mythe


Articolo della Rivista, Anno VI, Numero 11, giugno 2016

(al-Bāb and Iram of the Pillars. Rewriting the myth) in La rivista di Arablit, a. VI, n. 11, giugno 2016, pp. 39-52. In 1964, Ġassān Kanafānī wrote the play al-Bāb (The Door). In its foreword and in a final note to the play, Kanafānī claimed that al-Bāb’s topic was the myth of Iram ḏāt al-ʿimād (Iram of the Pillars) as it appears in the Quran, in Yāqūt’s Dictionary of Countries and in Ṭabarī’s History. He also informed the reader that quotations from the sources were embedded in commas and that any contemporary interpretation of the [...]

al-Bāb et Iram aux colonnes. La réécriture du mythe2020-03-07T16:35:54+00:00