Wael Farouq

/Wael Farouq

Wael Farouq

Articoli e Recensioni pubblicati per La rivista di Arablit

La narrazione trasparente: una lettura delle opere di Muntaṣir al-Qaffāš


Articolo della Rivista, Anno XI, numeri 21-22, giugno-dicembre 2021

(The transparent narrative:a reading of Muntaṣir al-Qaffāš's works) in La rivista di Arablit, a. XI, n. 21-22, giugno-dicembre 2021, pp. 7-30. The Egyptian writer Muntaṣir al-Qaffāš is considered by Arab literary criticism as one of the most important representatives of the so-called Generation of the 1990s. The aesthetic consciousness of this generation took shape at the time of the fall of the great narratives and the break with the modern, so that it found full resonance with the lack of certainties and the doubting of what was defined as postmodernism. Muntaṣir al-Qaffāš’s work, on the other hand, [...]

La narrazione trasparente: una lettura delle opere di Muntaṣir al-Qaffāš2023-10-06T17:09:20+00:00