Nesma Ibrahim

/Nesma Ibrahim

Nesma Ibrahim

Articoli e Recensioni pubblicati per La rivista di Arablit

Problemi di traduzione della “climax” in alcuni canti leopardiani


Articolo della Rivista, Anno IV, Numeri 7-8, dicembre 2014

(Problems in translating “climax” in some Leopardi’s poems) in La rivista di Arablit, a. IV, n. 7-8, dicembre 2014, pp. 93-107. This study aims to investigate the practical difficulties that the figure of speech “climax” poses to the translator of poetry and to suggest some solutions. After reviewing some theoretical concepts (on poetic language, climax, and finally poetical translation), the core of the research consists in a critical analysis of Murquṣ’ Arabic translation of some of Leopardi’s famous verses containing climax or anticlimax. When tracing climax in the Arabic versions, one realizes that it is almost impossible [...]

Problemi di traduzione della “climax” in alcuni canti leopardiani2020-03-07T17:46:33+00:00