Antonio Pacifico

/Antonio Pacifico

Antonio Pacifico

Articoli e Recensioni pubblicati per La rivista di Arablit

Ronen Zeidel, Pluralism in the Iraqi Novel After 2003: Literature and the Recovery of National Identity, Lexington Books, Lanham 2020, pp. 222.


Recensione, Ronen Zeidel, Pluralism in the Iraqi Novel After 2003: Literature and the Recovery of National Identity, Lexington Books, Lanham 2020, pp. 222.

in La rivista di Arablit, a. XIV, n. 27, giugno 2024, pp. 163-167. Ronen Zeidel’s Pluralism in the Iraqi Novel After 2003: Literature and the Recovery of National Identity explores the presence of ethno-religious identities in the Iraqi literary output produced during the last two decades. This is an understudied subject in the field of Arabic studies. According to the author, these identities have recently become a prevalent element in Iraq’s cultural production, including literature, where they gave way to “pluralism” and a “new” or, at least, different form of “national identity”1. Indeed, for Zeidel and [...]

Ronen Zeidel, Pluralism in the Iraqi Novel After 2003: Literature and the Recovery of National Identity, Lexington Books, Lanham 2020, pp. 222.2024-07-02T22:51:34+00:00

Iraqi fiction and the (re)emergence of ethno-religious identities: Muḥsin al-Ramlī’s strategies in Tamr al-aṣābiʿ and Ḥadāʾiq al-raʾīs


Articolo della Rivista, Anno XIII, numero 26, dicembre 2023

in La rivista di Arablit, a. XIII, n. 26, dicembre 2023, pp. 123-140. In his essay on pluralism and Iraqi fiction, Ronen Zeidel included Muḥsin al-Ramlī in a group of Iraqi authors who started writing fiction to counter the discourse associating the Sunni identity with the Baath. Yet this scholar only devoted a few pages to the author’s literature, taking a quantitative approach to his texts that did not consider the multiple effects of refraction (or retranslation) potentially affecting them in the literary field. This article thus examines Zeidel’s argument and al-Ramlī’s strategies with respect to ethno-religious [...]

Iraqi fiction and the (re)emergence of ethno-religious identities: Muḥsin al-Ramlī’s strategies in Tamr al-aṣābiʿ and Ḥadāʾiq al-raʾīs2024-01-16T09:52:14+00:00

Gli intellettuali e la censura nell’Egitto post-rivoluzionario: il caso di Madà Maṣr


Articolo della Rivista, Anno X, numero 19, giugno 2020

(Intellectuals and censorship in post-revolutionary Egypt: the case of Madà Maṣr) in La rivista di Arablit, a. X, n. 19, giugno 2020, pp. 55-78. In one of his latest articles, titled Un mai 68 Arabe? La révolution égyptienne au prisme du culturel (2015), Richard Jacquemond suggested to look at the Egyptian revolutionary period (2011-2013) as a cultural revolution that brought into question the so-called “nahḍawī paradigm”. Meanwhile, he called on researchers working on the symbolic goods of the contemporary Arab world(s) to describe how this transformation operates in the field. Hence, by shedding light on the cultural [...]

Gli intellettuali e la censura nell’Egitto post-rivoluzionario: il caso di Madà Maṣr2022-05-06T18:12:56+00:00

Richard Jacquemond, Felix Lang (eds.), Culture and Crisis in the Arab World: Art, Practices and Production in Spaces of Conflict, I.B. Tauris, London/New York 2019, pp. 264.


Recensione, Richard Jacquemond, Felix Lang (eds.), Culture and Crisis in the Arab World: Art, Practices and Production in Spaces of Conflict, I.B. Tauris, London/New York 2019, pp. 264.

in La rivista di Arablit, a. X, n. 19, giugno 2020, pp. 99-104. Il volume edito da Richard Jacquemond e Felix Lang, dal titolo Culture and Crisis in the Arab World: Art, Practices and Production in Spaces of Conflict, è il risultato di un workshop che si è tenuto presso la Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme nelle giornate del 7 e dell’8 novembre del 2016. Tale workshop, organizzato dall’Institut de Recherches et d’Etudes sur les Mondes Arabes et Musulmans (IREMAM) dell’Università di Aix-Marseille e dal gruppo di ricerca del Center for Near and Middle Eastern [...]

Richard Jacquemond, Felix Lang (eds.), Culture and Crisis in the Arab World: Art, Practices and Production in Spaces of Conflict, I.B. Tauris, London/New York 2019, pp. 264.2020-07-14T19:07:06+00:00