Najib Mokhtari

/Najib Mokhtari

Najib Mokhtari

Articoli e Recensioni pubblicati per La rivista di Arablit

The Road Not Taken to Arabo-Islamic Feminism. Defaulting the Differand of a Dislocated Epistemology


Articolo della Rivista, Anno XII, numero 24, dicembre 2022

in La rivista di Arablit, a. XII, n. 24, dicembre 2022, pp. 43-80. This chapter aims to explore the way feminine scholarship on nascent Islamic Feminist trajectories aspires to “construct intercultural relations across (dislocated) communities and nations across the Arabo-Islamic world. The literature in the field does transgress language barriers, trespass ideological tensions and cross conflicting paradigms to push back inherited orthodoxies in order to redesign new exits towards reconstructing a beyond position to reframe the perspective and draw new lines of discrepancies, draft codes of disruptions to bridge asymmetrical old differences and create hybrid moments of [...]

The Road Not Taken to Arabo-Islamic Feminism. Defaulting the Differand of a Dislocated Epistemology2023-10-06T17:32:10+00:00