Ilenia Licitra

/Ilenia Licitra

Ilenia Licitra

Articoli e Recensioni pubblicati per La rivista di Arablit

Da Drawing the War (2002) a Salām (2019): linguaggi, memorie e identità nella produzione di Lena Merhej


Articolo della Rivista, Anno XII, numero 24, dicembre 2022

(From Drawing the War [2002] to Salām [2019]: languages, memories, and identities in Lena Merhej's production) in La rivista di Arablit, a. XII, n. 24, dicembre 2022, pp. 113-132. Lena Merhej (Līna Mirhiǧ) is a visual storyteller, born in Beirut to a German mother and a Lebanese father. She is a co-founder of the artistic collective “Samandal”, which published the first magazine of adult comics in the Arab world. In her works, largely focused on the exploration of family and personal memories, the author often addresses the issue of conflict, linking her personal crisis to the collective events of [...]

Da Drawing the War (2002) a Salām (2019): linguaggi, memorie e identità nella produzione di Lena Merhej2023-10-06T17:35:02+00:00