Ahmed Galal Mohamed

/Ahmed Galal Mohamed

Ahmed Galal Mohamed

Articoli e Recensioni pubblicati per La rivista di Arablit

Écrire la révolution égyptienne de 2011: bilan d’une production naissante


Articolo della Rivista, Anno VIII, numero 15, giugno 2018

(Writing the Egyptian revolution of 2011: An analysis of a nascent production) in La rivista di Arablit, a. VIII, n. 15, giugno 2018, pp. 53-66. The Egyptian revolution of 2011 has been the subject of numerous political, sociological, religious, psychoanalytic, geographical and historical analyses. The fictional and nonfictional writings about it also deserve to be studied and make it possible to question the revolution as a productive force in literature. This contribution will return, seven years after the event, to productions belonging to contemporary Egyptian literature, to determine the links – explicit or implicit – between [...]

Écrire la révolution égyptienne de 2011: bilan d’une production naissante2020-03-07T16:23:35+00:00