Elvira Diana
Articoli e Recensioni pubblicati per La rivista di Arablit
Femminismi coloniali: la Libia e l’Africa di tre viaggiatrici europee tra il XIX e il XX secolo
Articolo della rivista, Anno I, numero 1, giugno 2011
Since the foundation of the African Association in 1788, Africa became, between the end of the XIX and the beginning of the XX century, the destination of many expeditions whose aim was both scientific and commercial. During those times of discovery, women were almost completely absent from those journeys across [...]
Naǧīb Maḥfūẓ giornalista: antesignano della primavera araba?
Articolo della rivista, Anno II, numero 3, giugno 2012
Besides being a novelist and short story writer, Naǧīb Maḥfūẓ was also a journalist. His association with “al-Ahrām” constantly accompanied his literary career. He actually expressed his thoughts on the socio-political situation of his time in the maqālāt (articles) he published in the above-mentioned Egyptian newspaper founded in 1875. In [...]
La scrittura come forma di emancipazione femminile: due racconti della saudita Šarīfah al-Šamlān
Articolo della rivista, Anno VIII, numero 16, dicembre 2018
Despite some recent social reforms in Saudi Arabia, Saudi women’s rights are still limited in comparison to the rest of the Arab countries. Since the eighties of the last century, generations of female writers have committed themselves to women’s rights, in particular through the literary genre of the short story. [...]
Libyan Narrative in the New Millennium: Features of Literature on Change
Articolo della rivista, Anno III, numero 5, giugno 2013
The so-called “Arab Spring”, which has recently involved some Arab states, has suddenly drawn attention on cultural life in Libya, a country which until now has only been considered for its “sand dunes, oil and terrorism”. This year, for the first time, Libya was the guest of honour at the [...]
Il Mediterraneo, crocevia di culture e di ḥarraga, in un racconto della tunisina Fāṭimah al-Aḫḍar
Articolo della rivista, Anno IV, Numeri 7-8, dicembre 2014
Over the millennia, the routes of the Mediterranean Sea have been crossroads of an intense commercial and cultural exchange, which favoured both the enrichment of Mediterranean economies and the openness to other cultures. Today the same routes are used for a nefarious business: human traffic. In fact, in the last [...]
Prison Autobiographies in Libyan Literature: Siǧniyyāt (Prison Sketches) by ‘Umar Abū ’l-Qāsim al-Kiklī
Articolo della rivista, Anno V, Numeri 9-10, dicembre 2015
Under Qadhdhafi’s (al-Qaḏḏāfī) regime, literary works committed to freedom and human rights had to be published outside Libya. In fact littérateurs of opposition were subjected to repressive practices, which were not limited to the isolation or the banning of their literary production, but extended to torture and imprisonment or even [...]
Un secolo di oppressione sociale e culturale nella Libia simbolica di Manṣūr Būšanāf
Articolo della rivista, Anno VII, numero 13, giugno 2017
In Libya, during Qadhdhafi’s (al-Qaḏḏāfī) repressive dictatorship, the number of censored literary works was very high. A noteworthy novel among them is Sirāb al-layl... al-‘alakah (The Night Mirage... Chewing Gum), by playwright, novelist and essayist Manṣūr Būšanāf. Published in 2008, the novel quickly disappeared from the market, but, after the [...]