Cristina La Rosa
Articoli e Recensioni pubblicati per La rivista di Arablit
Resisting Through Languages: Dāriǧah and Caricature in Contemporary Tunisia
Articolo della rivista, Anno X, numero 20, dicembre 2020
The genesis of graphic literature in the Arab world has its roots in twentieth-century Egypt and Lebanon, which are the main focus of recent academic studies on comics and cartoons (Jacquemond 2008). However, also Maghrib, and particularly Tunisia, boast some relevant independent artists and collectives. This paper aims at analysing [...]
Alcune strategie retoriche nel discorso politico tunisino: uso dei deittici e ripetizione lessicale
Articolo della rivista, Anno VIII, numero 15, giugno 2018
This paper analyses some rhetorical strategies used by the President of the Tunisian Republic al-Bāǧī Qā’id al-Sabsī during his discourse delivered on 20 March 2015, on the occasion of the 59th anniversary of Tunisian Independence and two days after the terroristic attack at the Bardo National Museum. In such a [...]