Ada Barbaro
Articoli e Recensioni pubblicati per La rivista di Arablit
AA.VV., Voci di scrittori arabi di oggi e di domani, a cura di I. Camera d’Afflitto; M. Avino, Bompiani, Milano 2021, pp. 343.
Recensione, Anno XII, numero 23, giugno 2022
Dare voce alle differenti anime che compongono le fisionomie della narrativa araba contemporanea non è facile: all’estensione geografica del mondo arabo si accompagna una stagione – l’ennesima – di fioritura del racconto breve, strumento privilegiato della narrativa contemporanea e corredo stilistico anche di molti autori e autrici arabi che oggi [...]
In nome del pane e della libertà: Tawfīq Yūsuf ‘Awwād e il suo al-Raġīf
Articolo della rivista, Anno IX, numeri 17-18, dicembre 2019
World War I has often been the privileged setting for the artistic experience of many intellectuals, who tried to give their personal response to such an event that influenced the future of their society. Arab writers also offered a glimpse into an historical event whose effects were felt well beyond [...]
al-‘Ankabūt (Il ragno) di Muṣṭafà Maḥmūd: un esempio tra fantascienza e romanzo gotico alla ricerca dell’immortalità
Articolo della rivista, Anno II, numero 4, dicembre 2012
Where does the gothic novel end and where does science fiction begin? According to many critics, in the Anglo-Saxon world this transition is represented by Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1818); whereas in Arabic literature the bond between these two genres of fiction was probably built by the Egyptian writer Muṣṭafà Maḥmūd, [...]
al-Qārūrah (La bottiglia, 2004) dello scrittore saudita Yūsuf al-Muḥaymīd. Quale “genere” di lettura?
Articolo della rivista, Anno VIII, numero 16, dicembre 2018
al-Qārūrah (The Bottle, 2004) is one of the best-known novels written by the Saudi author Yūsuf al-Muḥaymīd (1964). Set in the timeline of the Gulf War (1990-1991), the novel mainly reconstructs the life of Munīrah al-Sāhī, the female protagonist. Symbol of the general climate of violence towards women in her [...]
Lost or found in translation? La traduzione come atto sovversivo nel romanzo al-Mutarǧim al-ḫā’in di Fawwāz Ḥaddād
Articolo della rivista, Anno IV, Numeri 7-8, dicembre 2014
Whether consciously or not, every translator is an “unfaithful” missionary between two cultures. For both Arab scholars and Western academics, translation has always had an important role: the literary world has produced numerous theories on techniques and tasks concerning the translator’s work. What happens if an unfaithful translation becomes a [...]
The Very Short Story at the Time of the Revolution: al-Mihmāz (The Spur) and the Syrian Writer Zakariyyā Tāmir
Articolo della rivista, Anno V, Numeri 9-10, dicembre 2015
The mass protests that swept through the Middle East in early 2011 underlined the role of modern information-communication technologies (ICT). From a literary point of view, the Arab Spring inevitably marked the birth of a new model of writing, characterised by a more participatory, global and immediate manner of expression [...]