Un contributo dimenticato al dibattito culturale nell’Egitto del 1940: la rivista “al-Taṭawwur”
(A forgotten contribution to the cultural debate in Egypt in 1940: The magazine “al-Taṭawwur”)
in La rivista di Arablit, a. II, n. 4, novembre/dicembre 2012, pp. 19-32.
This study aims to compose the first piece of a mosaic representing the lost heritage of a marginalized movement in Arabic literature: Surrealism. After a brief description of how Surrealism set foot in Egypt in the 1930s, this article presents the only Surrealist magazine in Arabic, “al-Taṭawwur” (Evolution), analyzing the structure and the socio-political and literary contents of this journal, and, finally, the reasons for its closure . The fate of this totally avant-garde magazine hit by censorship proves that the Egyptian Surrealist movement was marginalized and that probably many of the innovations it promoted have also been lost.