The Text in Progress in Contemporary Arab Theatre as an Aesthetic Response to Social Instability

in La rivista di Arablit, a. XIII, n. 26, dicembre 2023, pp. 11-30.

Over the previous decade, Arab countries have witnessed and lived transformations that the theatrical scene has swiftly accompanied, supported, and recalled. Analysing a selection of post-2011 Arab theatre plays whose texts are written to constantly change, I argue that an “aesthetic or progress” in these texts is developing, and that it reflects a specific social condition across the contemporary Arab World. The plays examined here allow their audiences to understand the aftermaths of the 2011 uprisings as a process rather than an event. Revolutions have opened a Pandora’s box, and theatre reminds us that the end of the story has not come yet.

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Daniela Potenza | Doctorante en Langues, Littérature et Sociétés du Monde (Littérature arabe) à l’INALCO – Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales – Paris, en cotutelle avec l’Université de Naples “L’Orientale”.