The Ending in Palestinian Poetry

in La rivista di Arablit, a. VIII, n. 15, giugno 2018, pp. 31-52.

This study focuses on endings in Arabic poetry in Israel, especially the “po-etry of resistance” which I limit to the 1950s and 1960s, except for Maḥmūd Darwīš’s Maṭār Aṯīnā (Athens Airport), which is used for comparison and for changes in form and content of this poetic genre in the works of four po-ets who left a lasting impression on the development of Arabic poetry in Israel: Ḥannà Abū Ḥannà, Tawfīq Zayyād, Samīḥ al-Qāsim and Maḥmūd Darwīš. The ending of a literary text is what remains in the reader’s mind. The endings, as an artistic form in the “poem of resistance”, which involve words such as “struggle”, “defiance” and “attachment to the soil”, are a fundamental element of their construction through their reflection of the objective context of the “poetry of resistance” which constitutes its extra-textual environment and which is expressed through a variety of styles, direct speech, invocations and more.

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