Situare la protesta: i luoghi e lo spazio del politico nel rap palestinese

(Situating the protest: The places and space of the political stance in the Palestinian rap)

in La rivista di Arablit, a. VI, n. 12, dicembre 2016, pp. 71-90.

This essay aims at showing how the spatial dimension gives Palestinian rap a firm grasp on reality and keeps it from falling into the traps of abstraction and anti-politics. By analyzing a number of documents – ranging from documentaries, tv interviews, song lyrics and scholarly literature on the subject – the author means to demonstrate that the accurate spatial details which are usually embedded in the so-called conscious rap, far from being used for the simple sake of realism, are acts of resistance and space reappropriation: by naming and describing places, Palestinian rappers try to reclaim and repossess them, and to fight the daily alienation which they are forced to deal with.

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Fernanda Fischione | Laureata in Lingue e Civiltà Orientali presso la Facoltà di Filosofia, Lettere, Scienze Umanistiche e Studi Orientali (Sapienza Università di Roma), è iscritta al corso di laurea magistrale in Lingue e Civiltà Orientali della medesima facoltà.