Niqūlā al-Ḥaddād’s Contribution to “al-Hilāl” during World War I and its Aftermath

in La rivista di Arablit, a. IX, n. 17-18, dicembre 2019, pp. 51-68.

In this paper I will be analysing a number of articles by the Syro-Lebanese thinker and man of letters Niqūlā al-Ḥaddād (1872-1954) for the magazine “al-Hilāl”. He published articles in which he managed to discuss a good number of his favourite topics against the background of the ongoing First World War. He did not always deal directly with the conflict and its events, but rather preferred to reflect on “war” as an historical and sociological phenomenon or on the development of Nations from a scientific point of view, while revealing the links between his words and the particular context in which he was writing them. In a similar way, he would focus on its economic consequences, which obviously had a tremendous impact on the lives of people (usually the weakest), as History teaches us.

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Paola Viviani | Assistant Professor in Arabic Language and Literature at Seconda Università di Napoli, Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche “Jean Monnet”.