Ispirazione romantica e sperimentalismo surrealista in due raccolte poetiche del siriano ‘Alī al-Nāṣir (1890-1970): al-Ẓamā’ (1931) e Suryāl (1947)
(Romantic inspiration and Surrealist experimentalism in two poetry collections of the Syrian ‘Alī al-Nāṣir (1890-1970): al-Ẓamā’ (1931) e Suryāl (1947))
in La rivista di Arablit, a. VI, n. 12, dicembre 2016, pp. 29-50.
‘Alī al-Nāṣir was a Syrian poet and doctor. In his long life, he experienced the many developments that occurred in Arabic poetry during most of the XX century. Open to external as well as internal influences, he wrote neoclassic, romantic and surrealist poetry, experimenting in both content and form. This paper focuses on the romantic and surrealist trends in al-Nāṣir’s poetry, in particular in two collections of him: al-Ẓamā’ (The Thirst, 1931) e Suryāl (Surreal, 1947). After an introduction to the literary context in which ‘Alī al-Nāṣir wrote his poetry, the paper will explore the poet’s life, his poetic production and the principles he followed in his writing. In the second part, it will analyse the two collections in more detail, highlighting the innovations in form and content through a selection of examples.