In ricordo della femminista yemenita Ra’ūfah Ḥasan al-Šarqī
(In memory of the Yemeni feminist Ra’ūfah Ḥasan al-Šarqī)
in La rivista di Arablit, a. I, n. 2, dicembre 2011, pp. 105-109.
Ra’ūfah Ḥassan was a famous Yemeni intellectual who prematurely died in Cairo in April 2011 after a long illness. She was a human rights activist, a journalist and a university professor in her homeland. This article is based on an interview released in Arabic by Ra’ūfah Ḥassan at the headquarters of the Cultural Devel-opment Program Foundation (CDPF) in Ṣan‘ā’, in June 2010. Her words are hereunder reported in the form of a monologue. By doing so, the authoress of this article, who carried out the interview, wishes to commemorate one of most signif-icant female celebrities of Yemeni society and to contribute in making her known also in Italy.