Il prestito: un processo di acculturazione (esempi di letteratura araba tradotta in italiano)

(The loan: a process of acculturation [samples from the Arabic literature translated into Italian])

in La rivista di Arablit, a. XII, n. 24, dicembre 2022, pp. 133-156.

When a literary text is translated into the “language of Dante”, it very often carries elements of its original culture while also preserving linguistic formulas. Therefore, the Italian used in any translation – and especially in a translation from Arabic – cannot be “pure” standard Italian, but it is part of the so-called “Italian of translations”. In this sense, in some cases, a loanword turns out to be the best solution to ensure cultural transfer. For an Italian person, reading a novel translated from Arabic means approaching another world and opening up to another culture well different from his/her own. This contribution intends to offer some food for thought on the use of loanwords as a translation technique, focusing in particular on various expressions of this strategy and analysing the effects produced in some examples from Italian translations of novels written in Arabic.

This is an Article from La Rivista di Arablit - Anno XII, numero 24, dicembre 2022

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