Figli dei cedri in America. Il carteggio tra Ğubrān Ḫalīl Ğubrān e Amīn Fāris al-Rīḥānī

(Cedars sons in America. The correspondence between Ğubrān Ḫalīl Ğubrān and Amīn Fāris al-Rīḥānī)

in La rivista di Arablit, a. I, n. 1, giugno 2011, pp. 83-112.

The few letters that Ğubrān and al-Rīḥānī wrote to each other –  and which are published for the first time in Italian within this article – show the common interest of the two intellectuals in promoting a campaign to reawaken the sense of freedom and independence from Ottoman rule and Western colonization amongst Lebanese and Syrians. These epistolary texts also attest the authors’ dismay concerning the state of political and sectarian affairs prevailing in their homeland as well as amid Arab immigrants in the United States of America. This article also includes the first Italian translation of Rīḥānī’s well-known poem inspired by Ğubrān’s death which may be considered the poet’s last letter to his close friend.

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