Femminismi coloniali: la Libia e l’Africa di tre viaggiatrici europee tra il XIX e il XX secolo
(Colonial feminisms: Libya and Africa in the paths of three European women between the 19th and the 20th century)
in La rivista di Arablit, a. I, n. 1, giugno 2011, pp. 127-136.
Since the foundation of the African Association in 1788, Africa became, between the end of the XIX and the beginning of the XX century, the destination of many expeditions whose aim was both scientific and commercial. During those times of discovery, women were almost completely absent from those journeys across North Africa. This article retraces the path followed by the first few women who, breaking the rigid patriarchal rules of their time, chose to travel alone in north Africa and across the desert for the sheer spirit of adventure. For their enterprises, the names of Alexine Tinné, Rosita Forbes and Onorina Bargagli Petrucci still stand as examples of courage, love for the unknown and thirst for knowledge.