Come l’arte guarda il mondo: la prospettiva interculturale tra periferie e riscritture della storia
(How art looks at the world: The intercultural perspective between peripheries and historical rewriting)
in La rivista di Arablit, a. IV, n. 7-8, dicembre 2014, pp. 57-67.
In order to analyze the cultural and historical relationship with “the southern shore of the Mediterranean” from the point of view of art and contemporary artists, it is necessary to pause on some issues. First of all this relationship should be seen within the broader one between art and globalization, taking into account the specificity of this part of the world in a modern historical and geographical perspective. Furthermore, many artists have felt the need to explore the Mediterranean Sea as a special realty: an intermediate space, a place of passage, a crossroad for transit trade. They have also viewed it as a large geographical boundary, which communicates with oceans and other near and far seas through waterways, thus paradoxically seeming to be a borderless area, with a difficult nature as any space situated between other ones. Therefore, this paper will offer some considerations on the aforementioned issues, trying to explain how artists from Albania, Egypt, Lebanon and Morocco have used art itself as a means to highlight contemporary political historical problems and contradictions.