Alienazione e agalmatofilia in un racconto saudita. al-Blūzah (La camicetta) di ‘Abduh Ḫāl

(Alienation and agalmatophilia in a Saudi short story. al-Blūzah (The blouse) by ‘Abduh Ḫāl)

in La rivista di Arablit, a. VI, n. 11, giugno 2016, pp. 21-37.

This paper intends to be a short contribution to the studies on the Saudi Arabian literature. It presents a short story, al-Blūzah (The Blouse), by ‘Abduh Ḫāl (1962-), published in 2001, and analyzes both its style and themes. This short story seems to have several of the literary strategies that ‘Abduh Ḫāl uses some years later in his novel Tarmī bi-šarar (Throwing Sparks) in 2009, winner of the Booker Prize 2010. The paper focuses on some important aspects of the production of ‘Abduh Ḫāl, such as the urbanization of rural populations, internal migration, loneliness, segregation, social alienation and some psychological pathologies derived from these phenomena.

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Angela Daiana Langone | Ricercatore di Lingua e letteratura araba presso il Dipartimento di Filologia, Letteratura, Linguistica dell’Università degli Studi di Cagliari; chercheuse associée presso l’IREMAM (Institut de Recherches et d’Etudes sur le Monde Arabe et Musulman) UMR 7310 Université Aix-Marseille.