Anno XIV, numero 28, dicembre 2024
La rivista di Arablit -
La rivista di Arablit -
La rivista di Arablit -
La rivista di Arablit -
La rivista di Arablit -
La rivista di Arablit -
La rivista di Arablit -
La rivista di Arablit -
La rivista di Arablit -
La rivista di Arablit - The Arab world and the Great War is the common thread of the issue n. 17-18 of "La rivista di Arablit". Some contributions were presented at the Symposium World War I through Arab Eyes, in two panels coordinated by Maria Avino and Paola Viviani, under the patronage of SeSAMO (Italian Society of Middle East Studies). The symposium took place on the occasion of the "Fifth World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES)" which was held in Seville from 16 to 20 July 2018. Given the homogeneity of the content and the importance [...]
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