Paola Viviani
Articles and Reviews Published for La rivista di Arablit
Articolo della rivista, Anno XIV, numero 28, dicembre 2024
This issue of “La rivista di Arablit” includes some of the papers presented at the International Conference on The Contribution of the Syro-Lebanese Intellectual Faraḥ Anṭūn (1874-1922) to the Nahḍah: One Hundred Years Later that was held in Caserta (November 17-19, 2022) at the Department of Political Sciences of the [...]
Faraḥ Anṭūn’s Nahḍah as a Movement towards an Ideal Oneness in the Arab World: Italian Culture as a Neglected Source of Inspiration?
Articolo della rivista, Anno XIV, numero 28, dicembre 2024
While the massive and direct influence of French culture on Faraḥ Anṭūn has been taken for granted and fairly, albeit insufficiently, investigated, far less attention has been paid to the influence played by other Western cultures and civilizations. Students of the Arab thinker know that he wrote about outstanding British, [...]
“al-Zuhūr” (Les Fleurs, 1910-1913) et la littérature occidentale
Articolo della rivista, Anno XIII, numero 25, giugno 2023
As is well known, two phenomena have played a fundamental role in the evolution of the Arab world during al-Nahḍah al-Ḥadīṯah: the press and the translation movement. Many works were translated/adapted/summarised for the Arab audience, with the aim to inform and educate them about how to build a new modern society. This [...]
Layla Mustapha Ammar, La differenza di genere nel pensiero di Sayyid Quṭb
Recensione, Anno XIII, numero 25, giugno 2023
Nel leggere La differenza di genere nel pensiero di Sayyid Quṭb di Layla Mustapha Ammar, si ricava l’impressione che intorno al volume, un lavoro pregevole, il seguente versetto coranico aleggi: La pietà non consiste nel volger la faccia verso l’oriente e verso l’occidente, bensì la vera pietà è quella di [...]
Racconto d’Egitto. Trascrizione e traduzione del manoscritto di ‘Abd al-Laṭīf al-Baġdādī (con brevi note di commento), a cura di Ahmed F. Kzzo; Nikola D. Bellucci, Archaeopress Publishing LTD, Oxford 2020.
Recensione, Anno XII, numero 23, giugno 2022
Ahmed F. Kzzo e Nikola D. Bellucci sono due giovani studiosi impegnati nella ricerca archeologica ai quali va attribuito il merito di aver proposto la prima traduzione italiana di un testo ben noto agli specialisti della letteratura scientifica e, per alcuni versi, dell’adab dell’epoca classica, il Kitāb al-ifādah wa ’l-i‘tibār [...]
Niqūlā al-Ḥaddād’s Contribution to “al-Hilāl” during World War I and its Aftermath
Articolo della rivista, Anno IX, numeri 17-18, dicembre 2019
In this paper I will be analysing a number of articles by the Syro-Lebanese thinker and man of letters Niqūlā al-Ḥaddād (1872-1954) for the magazine “al-Hilāl”. He published articles in which he managed to discuss a good number of his favourite topics against the background of the ongoing First World [...]
Lupo Buonazia a proposito del teatro di Mārūn al-Naqqāš
Articolo della rivista, Anno I, numero 2, dicembre 2011
Lupo Buonazia taught Arabic in Naples from 1878 until 1914, the year of his death. His main concerns were linguistics, metrics and dialect. The “Maurizio Taddei Library” at the University of Naples “L’Orientale” preserves some of his handwritten notes on the Lebanese playwright Mārūn al-Naqqāš. Buonazia offers interesting considerations about [...]
Immagini del XIX secolo nel romanzo storico saudita: Gedda e il massacro del 1858
Articolo della rivista, Anno VIII, numero 16, dicembre 2018
This paper focuses on two novels, Fitnat Ǧuddah (2010) by Maqbūl al-‘Alawī, and Maqām Ḥiǧāz (2011) by Muḥammad Ṣādiq Diyāb, which deal with Jeddah’s history and, in particular, with the episode known as the “Massacre of Jeddah” (1858). Each writer has his own special way of narrating this tragic event; [...]
L’Egitto di naturalisti, patrioti e religiosi italiani: Figari Bey, Balboni e Monsignor Dalfi
Articolo della rivista, Anno IV, Numeri 7-8, dicembre 2014
Many are the Italian authors who have written on Egypt, its culture and civilization since time immemorial, and many are those Italians who have visited this rich and beautiful country, thus shedding light on its characteristics, peculiarities and mysteries as well. Two of these authors, the 19th-century pharmacist and naturalist [...]
Artificial Intelligence (AI), Gender and Identity Issues: Ḥabīb ‘Abd al-Rabb Surūrī’s Novel ‘Araq al-ālihah (2005/2008)
Articolo della rivista, Anno III, Numero 6, dicembre 2013
Modern literature of Yemen is a relatively new discovery to Western scholarship. That is particularly true as far as fiction is concerned, especially in the literary genre of the novel. Nonetheless, Yemeni novels are being acclaimed more and more at home and worldwide. Ḥabīb ‘Abd al-Rabb Surūrī is included among [...]