Mirella Cassarino
Articles and Reviews Published for La rivista di Arablit
“Pārkūr al-Quds”. The Body in a Palestinian Short Film
Articolo della rivista, Anno X, numero 20, dicembre 2020
This article focuses on the analysis of a short film by Ḥamdī al-Ḥurūb, Faḍā’ al-aziqqah (Palestine 2013), that tells the story of an act of resistance by a group of young Palestinians who practice parkour in the Old City of Jerusalem. Here, the act of “disobedience” by young people acquires a particular value. After a brief [...]
“La scimmia calligrafa” da Galland a Kilito
Articolo della rivista, Anno VII, numero 13, giugno 2017
Abdelfattah Kilito, known above all for his important contributions to research on Arabic literature, has complemented his work as a scholar with an equally significant output as a writer. His production in this field shows many and interesting relations with the One Thousand and One Nights. The intention behind my [...]