Maria Rosaria Conte
Articles and Reviews Published for La rivista di Arablit
Una pièce ritrovata negli archivi della Radiodiffusion – Télévision Tunisienne: al-Rašīd wā Šarlamān di ‘Abd al-Razzāq Karabākah
Articolo della rivista, Anno I, numero 2, dicembre 2011
After a brief overview of the establishment and development of Tunisian musical theatre, this article focuses on an inedited musical play written by one of the most prominent figures of Tunisia's theatrical renaissance. The themes, the style and the language traced in this text are typical of the nationalist trend [...]
Impegno sociale, tradizione e modernità nel teatro tunisino pre- e postcoloniale: una visione d’insieme
Articolo della rivista, Anno VII, numero 13, giugno 2017
The present paper aims at showing how even if the Tunisian dramatic production of the last century has always been labelled as ‘immature’, Tunisia has amazingly been a prolific laboratory of all the recent trends in European drama. This in spite of the outstanding problems and issues it has been [...]