Maria Avino
Articles and Reviews Published for La rivista di Arablit
Ġarā’ib al-Ġarb di Muḥammad Kurd ‘Alī: riflessioni sulla civiltà araba e occidentale a confronto e sulla lingua araba
Articolo della rivista, Anno XIV, numero 27, giugno 2024
Between 1908 and 1922, Muḥammad Kurd ‘Alī visited various European countries and described his journeys in a volume entitled Ġarā’ib al-Ġarb (The Wonders of the West, 1923). For Kurd ‘Alī, travelling and encountering the people and geographical realities of a foreign country is not a routine matter, but rather an [...]
La rivista “al-Muqtaṭaf” e la Grande Guerra in una prospettiva evoluzionistica
Articolo della rivista, Anno IX, numeri 17-18, dicembre 2019
The Arabic journal “al-Muqtaṭaf” was founded in 1876 by the Arabic Christians Ya‘qūb Ṣarrūf (1852-1927) and Fāris Nimr (1856-1951). It was an encyclopaedic journal and the publishers’ aim was to inform the reader in the Arab world about the Western scientific progress of that time. They spread Evolutionary theory and [...]
L’anima dei luoghi e la modernità. Le trasformazioni urbane della Mecca in Ṭawq al-ḥamām, di Raǧā’ ‘Ālim
Articolo della rivista, Anno VIII, numero 16, dicembre 2018
In Ṭawq al-ḥamām, Raǧā’ ‘Ālim describes the transformations that have taken place during the last decades in the urban setting of her hometown, Makka. Several urban redevelopment plans launched by the authorities have radically changed the city’s landscape and Makka’s skyline has become increasingly similar to that of an American [...]
Due viaggiatori siriani nell’Italia fascista. L’immagine dell’Italia e degli italiani nei diari di viaggio dei siriani Šafīq Ǧabrī e Sāmī al-Kayyālī
Articolo della rivista, Anno IV, Numeri 7-8, dicembre 2014
In 1934, two well-known Syrian intellectuals, Šafīq Ǧabrī e Sāmī al-Kayyālī, visited together some European countries, including Italy. The following year, al-Kayyālī published a book entitled A Month in Europe where, among other things, he described his stay in Italy. Ǧabrī, instead, published his diary, Riḥlah ilà Ūrūbā ‘alà ṣuḫūr [...]
Ṣāliḥ Bā ‘Āmir racconta la recente storia di al-Mukallā
Articolo della rivista, Anno VI, Numero 12, dicembre 2016
In 2004, the South Yemeni writer Ṣāliḥ Bā ‘Āmir published his novel al-Mukallā, which focuses on this ancient coastal town, located on the Gulf of Aden and considered the “capital” of Ḥaḍramawt. The author describes the downward spiral of a country – the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen – whose [...]
Impressioni europee di viaggiatori siro-libanesi all’alba del XX secolo
Articolo della rivista, Anno VI, Numero 11, giugno 2016
This article examines the travel memoirs of Nasīm Ḫallāṭ and Yūsuf Sarkīs, two Lebanese intellectuals, who visited Europe respectively in 1900 and 1903. They gathered their experiences in two books, which were met with great success at the time of publication and were reviewed by the major cultural magazines in [...]