Edoardo Barzaghi
Articles and Reviews Published for La rivista di Arablit
Istanze politiche e sociali nell’opera dello scrittore yemenita Muḥammad ‘Abd al-Walī
Articolo della rivista, Anno I, numero 1, giugno 2011
This article aims at providing an overview of the narrative production of Muḥammad ‘Abd al-Walī, who is considered Yemen's most prominent and influential author of contemporary short stories and novels. The study is focused on the social and, to some extent, the political issues tackled by the writer in his [...]
L’assurdo in alcuni racconti di Naǧīb Maḥfūẓ
Articolo della rivista, Anno II, numero 3, giugno 2012
This paper focuses on the concept of “absurd” as it is represented in two short story collections: Taḥta al-miẓallah (Under the Bus-Shelter) and Ḫammārat al-qiṭṭ al-aswad (The Black Cat Tavern). Although they resemble European literature of the absurd as far as form and content are concerned, these two works by [...]