Arturo Monaco

Articles and Reviews Published for La rivista di Arablit

The Reception of Greek Classics and Mythology in Faraḥ Anṭūn and “al-Ǧāmiʿah”

C. Ceyhun Arslan, The Ottoman Canon and the Construction of Arabic and Turkish Literatures, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh 2024, pp. 231.

Tarek Shamma; Myriam Salama-Carr (edited by), Anthology of Arabic Discourse on Translation

The Memory of the Great War in a Selection of Writings by Mārūn ʿAbbūd

Robyn Creswell, City of Beginnings. Poetic Modernism in Beirut, Princeton University Press, Princeton; Oxford 2019, pp. 259.

Un contributo dimenticato al dibattito culturale nell’Egitto del 1940: la rivista “al-Taṭawwur”

L’esule algerino a Parigi nel romanzo Aṣābi‘ Lūlītā (Le dita di Lolita, 2012) di Wāsīnī al-A‘raǧ

al-Ša‘b al-Sūrī Wāḥid (The Syrian People Are One): Syrian Artists and Intellectuals against Sectarianism

Ispirazione romantica e sperimentalismo surrealista in due raccolte poetiche del siriano ‘Alī al-Nāṣir (1890-1970): al-Ẓamā’ (1931) e Suryāl (1947)

The flux of a mystical-surrealist trend through the Middle East and North Africa