“Pārkūr al-Quds”. The Body in a Palestinian Short Film

in La rivista di Arablit, a. X, n. 20, dicembre 2020, pp. 31-44.

This article focuses on the analysis of a short film by Ḥamdī al-Ḥurūb, Faḍā’ al-aziqqah (Palestine 2013), that tells the story of an act of resistance by a group of young Palestinians who practice parkour in the Old City of Jerusalem. Here, the act of “disobedience” by young people acquires a particular value. After a brief presentation of the plot of the short film, my attention turns to the centrality of body movements in the scenes, to the power of words and to the means of communication used by young people to gain visibility.

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This is an Article from La Rivista di Arablit - Anno X, numero 20, dicembre 2020

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Mirella Cassarino |